Sat, 02 Nov
|Black Stag Archers
British Archery Frostbite League (Members Only) (1)
Assemble and register by 10.15am for sighters commencing at 10.20am. Followed then by 36 arrows at 30 meters on 80cm face. Participate under proper competition rules and procedures!
Time & Location
02 Nov 2024, 10:15 – 14:00
Black Stag Archers, 437 Wanstead Park Rd, Ilford IG1 3TT, UK
Course Information
Frostbite Sight Marks.
Please ensure your sight marks are sorted out for the upcoming League season opener. The first match is November 2nd. As this is a National competition, each match will be shot as such. Only 6 sighters are allowed and then the competition begins. So please be prepared. There is no practice on the day beforehand.
The round is 36 arrows, shot in ends of 3, at 30 metres, on an 80cm face.
Sighters at 10.20am, for a 10.30am start of the competition proper.